who is paul dix?
Paul is a behaviour specialist, author, education reformer and advisor He helps teachers and headteachers across the world with transformational relational behaviour practice.
Paul has delivered training and spoken on large stages all over the world, advised the English Department for Education on Teacher Standards, given evidence to the Education Select Committee and carried out extensive work with the Ministry of Justice on Behaviour and Restraint in Youth Custody.
His book When The Adults Change, Everything Changes published in 2017 by Crown House has sold more than 150,000 copies. The follow-up After the Adults Change was released last year and has been a best-seller on Amazon.
Who are his team and how do they work with him?
The training team have worked together for many years. They are steeped in relational practice as teachers and leaders. This is the A-Team. The very best behaviour specialists I know. Each with their own style, sharing the same values with incredible experience across all settings. Trauma-informed, attachment aware and champions of children.
You can meet the team at www.whentheadultschange.com/training/
How are the team working with HERTFORDSHIRE?
Paul Dix spoke at the Hertfordshire Designated Teacher Conference in May. We have since worked with a number of headteachers to understand, develop and design a bespoke training solution that builds on the strong foundations that exist within Hertfordshire. The local authority have commissioned the development for all Hertfordshire Schools as part of the universal offering. They have recommended that schools buy a number of licenses from 3 - 10 licenses dependent on the size of your school.
How should we study the course?
The Online Course is 7 hours of practical learning that is split into three sections; What to say, What to do & How to be. You will have access to the course for 365 days from when you first log in. We recommend consuming the course in bite-size chunks to create an appropriate pace of change and consistency across the whole school.
Where possible we recommend working in school groups - ideally cross-sectional so that people are able to learn from staff that work within different areas of the school and create a wider sense of community. It is also useful to blend resistant adults among the groups.
Our suggestion is to study for 30 minutes at a time, once a fortnight. We have added some guidelines to the course around how you can best split the course. Be mindful that the most learning happens in your day-to-day practice, adapting, trying and developing the skills that we discuss, share and showcase in the course.
should i have read the book?
The texts, ‘When the Adults Change, Everything Changes’ and ‘After the Adults Change, Achievable Behaviour Nirvana’ sit at the core of our work. It is useful to read both texts but this does not have to be done before the completion of the online course - content is complementary rather than sequential.
How can we get in-person training?
Live training is not being funded by the Local Authority. If you would like to organise this as a school or a cluster group, please contact Charlotte@WhenTheAdultsChange.com. Training is available in 3-hour sessions and costs begin at £1,950+VAT.